Christians In Iraq Are Facing Lack In Means Of Living In Camps
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After the crisis by ISIL happened in north of Iraq on June, 9 and on August, 6 on the same year of the 2014, when the terrorist organization of the Islamic state (ISIL) attacked Nineveh many of Christians and Yazidis people (the most two minorities victims of ISIL) have been killed and many of the Christians and Yazidis fled and ran away to the North of Iraq where Kurdistan region the Majority of Kurdish people.
When ISIL attacked the Iraqi Christians and also Yazidis in Nineveh, it was either at night or in very early morning like 6 AM, so the victims were almost sleeping, the Christians in Iraq with Yazidis ran away in hurry to save themselves and they left everything behind them, they just took the clothes which they were wearing and some documents in some better cases.
They arrived in the more safe zone which is Kurdistan Region, and after the international non-governmental organizations like United Nation (UN) with different programs, USAID, and others organizations came and they helped them for establishing the tents inside Kurdistan regions, those organization with Kurdish government also the local Churches (The Main Help) like Chaldean Catholic, Orthodox Church, Assyrian Church of the East, Protestant and evangelical Churches also other Organizations like World Vision, Open Doors, red cross, Caritas helped them with many things such as; food items, blankets, mattresses ..etc
The Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), either they were internationals or locals, they provided the relief for those internal displaced people (IDPs) such as:
Food items, Milk, Blankets, Mattresses, Pillows …. etc .
But the problems are those stuff are not solving the issues as they need for, it was just for a short time as for many NGOs, so that why there is lack in providing the help for those people who ran away from Islamic State in Iraq and Levant (ISIL).
Also as those people are living in tents and camps, they are in need for more than those stuff and on daily basis, especially when there are children or old people.
As we are the local non-profit organization on the ground were watching and helping the international organizations in order to make facilities for them to provide helping in this crisis.
We discovered that more than 80% of those NOGs where just provided a short time Aid! like it was for one or two months in best cases.
We also found the absence of the Iraqi government in Baghdad which they don’t fill up their duties toward their people.
Un equivalent tents with which in many of them you can find that it gets more than one family in on tent!. which even not enough for them thus many of them have been put in uncompleted constructor buildings and they are depending on the International Non- governmental Organizations to expect support.
Those camps also got many of Yazidis with many of Muslims too who are also ran away from ISIL, all of them are living under hard conditions.
Many of the refugees or IDPs people were living under very good situations “Like a Kings” as one of the IDPs men described his life before ISIL came during CNN reporter was interviewing him.
This situation need a call for the International community to pay attention for this genocide and not just short time relief would delivered and that it is like some International Non-governmental Organizations who they gave some thing and walked away as we know many of those !!
We call all those who are really care about the persecuted people in order to help them to get them out of this misery life and to save them from this genocide otherwise we will lose the first Christians in the world, the Christians in Iraq.
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